I am so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, if you read my Pre-Korea Blog you would have read that in order to obtain my VISA I had to jump through several hoops, collect many documents and pay tons of money. This process took me over 2 months because I had to collect so many different items and get them notarized and Apostilled.
Well, I got through the VISA process, obviously because I am in Korea, but once you are in Korea you have 90 days to apply for your Alien Residency Card (ARC) through the Immigration office.
I arrived Monday, Aug 23.
Got my Medical Exam Friday, Aug 29.
Got the results September 3.
My boss applied for the ARC on Sept 7.
Found out that the Korean Immigration Law has changed as of Sept 1.
My boss thought I would be ok because I was here before Sept 1. and that it would just take an additional 3 weeks.
My friend got his on Sept 24.
Checked in with my boss on Sept 26 after our holiday to see the status.
Well.....I am lost in translation because I have no clue what is going on. I don't know if I was grandfathered in or not.
Checked my old email account and saw an email dated Sept 8 from my recruiter saying I needed to get 2 more things done because of the law change!
Ok, here I go, more documents, more time, and more money.
This wouldn't be such a huge problem, but I am living in Korea!!!!!!
1) Need a new Criminal Background Check (CBC)
When I first got a criminal background check, I went to the county and paid $18.
Then I found out that the county CBC was no good.
Went through the state and had to get fingerprinted paid $45. Then I waited 2 weeks and when I got the results I had to drive to LA to get it Apostilled for $26.
Just found out that the State CBC is no good. I need an FBI CBC now! More fingerprints, ship it to the USA, wait up to 12 weeks for the results.
The boss took me to the police station to get fingerprints today for free! We went to the post office to send it, but apparently you can't prepay for a return envelope in Korea, so I had to find my FedEx account number when I got back to work. The nice thing is I think my boss is going to pay the $18 to process the prints and for the shipping. We'll see. I should be sending it off tomorrow.
2) New Diploma requirements
For my VISA, I had to order a diploma from UCSD and have it notarized. My original is in a plaque and I wasn't planning on shipping that to Korea. I paid $59 for rush delivery.
New law doesn't want the original anymore---GO FIGURE!!!! They want a copy of my Diploma Apostilled. I could have done this originally when I went to get my State CBC Apostilled in LA, but my recruiter said I didn't need to.
Well getting a photocopy is no big deal, but now I have to go to the US Embassy and get it Apostilled. O, the embassy is in Seoul (5 hours away) and only open during the week. More money...more problems.
At this point....I am realizing that there is no reason to get frustrated because this happens all over the world. JUST DEAL WITH IT!
It really wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I have 90 days to apply for residency (6 weeks have already gone by). It may take up to 12 weeks to process my FBI CBC, so who knows what happens if I don't apply within 90days.
O, also I CAN'T get the following without my ARC which kinda sucks
Cell phone (I'm borrowing one right now)
Bank Account (I guess they'll have to pay me in cash)
Gym Membership
Costco card
I really want a costco card too! I guess i just have to patient....and relax...I can only do what I can do.
I'm really trying hard not to stress. I have stressed a little on this situation, but after venting on this blog I think I'm over it!
I'll keep you posted when I am clear or you just may be seeing me sooner than we all thought.