So up to this point I have not been overly excited or nervous, but as each day gets closer and closer to my Flight Date (tentatively August 20th) I am growing increasingly excited and nervous. Actually writing this blog is giving me butterflies in my stomach because my travels are officially becoming a reality!
For all of you who don't know the history behind my travels here is a brief rundown. As I was sitting in the lunch room at a school that I taught as a substitute teacher last December, one of the teachers suggested teaching abroad since the job market was looking so glum for new teachers. I had never thought about this before, but I was very open to her idea! Thanks Melora!
I decided that I would go to Spain, so that I could come back to the states fluent in Spanish (this would help get me a job when I returned). Well I found out through my research, that teaching in Spain, although very beautiful and I am sure exciting to see, would not provide me with much money. They would pay me just enough to get by while living in Spain. This would not work for my current lifestyle of student loans!
After discussing my options with a representative from the TEFL Institute (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) I decided that I would explore South Korea. After my certification course (2 month process), which I completed in April, I researched various areas of South Korea. I decided that I wanted to move to Busan, which is located on the South East end of the country. After working with my job recruiter from TEIK, Brad helped me find a great school nearby in Deagu. After more research I decided that this would be a great place to love.
Deagu is the third largest city in South Korea and is near a mountain where I can go snowboarding (my new favorite past time--Thanks Kris) and hiking.
The night I was preparing for a potential interview I got a surprise phone call from a lady in Korea from a school in Deagu for an interview. Although, I was not quite prepared I completed the phone interview. After waiting several days I was notified that I got the job. I spoke to the current English teacher at the school and got more info, everything checked out so I accepted.
As all of this was going on I was collecting all the paperwork necessary for my work VISA. What a pain! It took about two months to collect all of the appropriate documents and get signatures. Well it paid off, because I got my work VISA on Tuesday of this week!
I think we are about caught 5 vaccinations, had a garage sale, trying to sell my car, bought a lap top, sold my computer, went shopping for all the necessities you can't find in S. Korea...deodorant....shampoo....face wash...spices...and tons more...It will take at least 2 months to pay myself back.
So my last day at the Cardio Studio is tomorrow and having another going away party...yes another one! Had one in San Diego a few weeks ago, had one for family and close friends in Camarillo last weekend, having a work one tomorrow and one last one with friends on Saturday night!
I guess I better go now that I have said bye to everyone. Oh yeah over the past 8 months I have gone on vacations and tried to visit as many friends and family as possible. Went to NY to visit my grandparents, went to Palm Springs to see my brother, sister, and nephew, went to San Jose to see Sabrina, went to the lake with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins.....and the list goes on and on. I had a blast! It's probably the most fun I have had in a long time.
Now I am preparing to pack! Boy is this a process. I also need to learn at least 20 phrases in Korean before I get there. Not sure when I'll fit that in....I started to learn some Korean a few months ago, but got overwhelmed with everything else going on. I guess I better get on it.
My flight is not 100% official yet as of today, but it looks like it will be next Friday, Aug 20! It'll be 12-16 hours on a plane. I think I may learn Korean in that block of time!
I hope you follow me on my crazy journey!
More soon, Tiffanie
Tiff, I loved reading your story behind teaching in Korea! Sounds like it took a lot of effort. You can tell that once you decide to do something, you put your heart and soul into it. Kudos to you on your dedication to this. Can't wait to hear more once you get there! ~Bethany